
Creates an instance group manager.


google::compute-instance-group-manager instance-group-manager-example
    name: "instance-group-manager-example"
    base-instance-name: "instance-group-manager-example"
    description: "Instance group manager example"
    instance-template: $(google::compute-instance-template instance-group-template-example)
    target-size: 1
    zone: "us-central1-a"


Attribute Description

The base instance name to use for instances in this group.

The value must be 1-58 characters long. Instances are named by appending a hyphen and a random four-character string to the base instance name. The base instance name must comply with RFC1035. Valid values satisfy the regex: [[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,57}]. (Required)

name The name of the managed instance group. Must be a string 1-63 characters long and the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. Valid values satisfy the regex: [[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?]. (Required)

The target number of running instances for this managed instance group.

Deleting or abandoning instances reduces this number. Resizing the group changes this number. Defaults to 0. Minimum allowed value is 0.

auto-healing-policy list subresource

The autohealing policy for this managed instance group. Maximum allowed items are 1.

health-check resource

The health check that signals autohealing. (Required)


The number of seconds that the managed instance group waits before it applies autohealing policies to new instances or recently recreated instances.

This initial delay allows instances to initialize and run their startup scripts before the instance group determines that they are UNHEALTHY. This prevents the managed instance group from recreating its instances prematurely. This value must be from range [0, 3600]. Valid values are between 0 to 3600.

description Description of this resource.

Fingerprint of this resource.

This field may be used in optimistic locking. It will be ignored when inserting an InstanceGroupManager. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the InstanceGroupManager, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet.

instance-template resource

The instance template that is specified for this managed instance group.

The group uses this template to create all new instances in the managed instance group. Cannot be set if version is set.

named-port list subresource

Named ports configured for the Instance Groups complementary to this Instance Group Manager.

The name for this named port. Must be a string 1-63 characters long and the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. Valid values satisfy the regex: [[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?]. (Required)

The port number.

It can be a value between 1 and 65535. Valid values are between 1 to 65535. (Required)

target-pools list resource

All TargetPool resources to which instances in the instance group are added.

The target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group.

update-policy subresource

The update policy for this managed instance group.


The instance redistribution policy for regional managed instance groups.

Valid values are:

  • PROACTIVE (default): The group attempts to maintain an even distribution of VM instances across zones in the region.
  • NONE: For non-autoscaled groups, proactive redistribution is disabled. Valid values are NONE or PROACTIVE.
max-surge subresource

The maximum number of instances that can be created above the specified target size during the update process.

By default, a fixed value of 1 is used. This value can be either a fixed number or a percentage if the instance group has 10 or more instances. If you set a percentage, the number of instances will be rounded up if necessary. At least one of either max-surge or max-unavailable must be greater than 0.

Specifies a fixed number of VM instances. Cannot be set if percent is set. Minimum allowed value is 0.

Specifies a percentage of instances between 0 to 100%, inclusive.

For example, specify 80 for 80%. Cannot be set if fixed is set. Valid values are between 0 to 100.

max-unavailable subresource

The maximum number of instances that can be unavailable during the update process.

An instance is considered available if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The instance’s status is RUNNING.
  • If there is a health check on the instance group, the instance’s liveness health check result must be HEALTHY at least once. If there is no health check on the group, then the instance only needs to have a status of RUNNING to be considered available.

By default, a fixed value of 1 is used. This value can be either a fixed number or a percentage if the instance group has 10 or more instances. If you set a percentage, the number of instances will be rounded up if necessary.

At least one of either max-surge or max-unavailable must be greater than 0.

Specifies a fixed number of VM instances. Cannot be set if percent is set. Minimum allowed value is 0.

Specifies a percentage of instances between 0 to 100%, inclusive.

For example, specify 80 for 80%. Cannot be set if fixed is set. Valid values are between 0 to 100.


Minimal action to be taken on an instance.

You can specify either RESTART to restart existing instances or REPLACE to delete and create new instances from the target template. If you specify a RESTART, the Updater will attempt to perform that action only. However, if the Updater determines that the minimal action you specify is not enough to perform the update, it might perform a more disruptive action. Valid values are REPLACE or RESTART.


The type of update process.

You can specify either PROACTIVE so that the instance group manager proactively executes actions in order to bring instances to their target versions or OPPORTUNISTIC so that no action is proactively executed but the update will be performed as part of other actions. Valid values are OPPORTUNISTIC or PROACTIVE.

version list subresource

Specifies the instance templates used by this managed instance group to create instances.

Each version is defined by an instance-template and a name. Every version can appear at most once per instance group. This field overrides the top-level instance-template field. Exactly one version must leave the target-size field unset. That version will be applied to all remaining instances. Cannot be set if instance-template is set.

instance-template resource

The instance template that is specified for this managed instance group.

The group uses this template to create new instances in the managed instance group until the target-size for this version is reached. (Required)


Name of the version.

Unique among all versions in the scope of this managed instance group. (Required)

target-size subresource

Specifies the intended number of instances to be created from the instanceTemplate.

The final number of instances created from the template will be equal to:

  • If expressed as a fixed number, the minimum of either target-size.fixed or is used.
  • if expressed as a percent, the target-size would be (target-size.percent/100 * If there is a remainder, the number is rounded up.

If unset, this version will update any remaining instances not updated by another version.

Specifies a fixed number of VM instances. Cannot be set if percent is set. Minimum allowed value is 0.

Specifies a percentage of instances between 0 to 100%, inclusive.

For example, specify 80 for 80%. Cannot be set if fixed is set. Valid values are between 0 to 100.

zone The zone where the managed instance group is located. (Required)


Attribute Description
current-actions subresource

The list of instance actions and the number of instances in this managed instance group that are scheduled for each of those actions.


The total number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be abandoned.

Abandoning an instance removes it from the managed instance group without deleting it.


The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be created or are currently being created.

If the group fails to create any of these instances, it tries again until it creates the instance successfully.If you have disabled creation retries, this field will not be populated; instead, the creatingWithoutRetries field will be populated.


The number of instances that the managed instance group will attempt to create.

The group attempts to create each instance only once. If the group fails to create any of these instances, it decreases the group’s targetSize value accordingly.

The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be deleted or are currently being deleted.
The number of instances in the managed instance group that are running and have no scheduled actions.

The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be recreated or are currently being being recreated.

Recreating an instance deletes the existing root persistent disk and creates a new disk from the image that is defined in the instance template.


The number of instances in the managed instance group that are being reconfigured with properties that do not require a restart or a recreate action.

For example, setting or removing target pools for the instance.

The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be restarted or are currently being restarted.
The number of instances in the managed instance group that are being verified.
instance-group-link The URL of the Instance Group resource.
self-link The URL for this managed instance group. The server defines this URL.
status subresource

The status of this managed instance group.


A bit indicating whether the managed instance group is in a stable state.

A stable state means that: none of the instances in the managed instance group is currently undergoing any type of change (for example, creation, restart, or deletion); no future changes are scheduled for instances in the managed instance group; and the managed instance group itself is not being modified.

version-target subresource

A status of consistency of Instances’ versions with their target version specified by version field on Instance Group Manager.


A bit indicating whether version target has been reached in this managed instance group, i.e. all instances are in their target version.

Instances’ target versions are specified by version field on Instance Group Manager.