
Creates a target pool.


 google::compute-target-pool target-pool-example
    name: "target-pool-example"
    region: "us-central1"
    description: "Target pool description."
    session-affinity: "CLIENT_IP"

    instances: [ $(google::compute-instance instance-example-target-pool) ]

    health-checks: [ $(google::compute-http-health-check http-health-check-example-target-pool) ]
google::compute-target-pool target-pool-backup-example
    name: "target-pool-backup-example"
    region: "us-central1"
    description: "Target pool backup description."
    failover-ratio: 0.15
    backup-pool: $(google::compute-target-pool target-pool-example)

    instances: [ $(google::compute-instance instance-example-target-pool) ]

    health-checks: [ $(google::compute-http-health-check http-health-check-example-target-pool) ]


Attribute Description
backup-pool The backup target pool handles traffic if the health of this target pool falls below the failover ratio. Can only be set if failover-ratio is set.
description An optional description of this target pool.
failover-ratio The percentage of healthy instances below which a failover to the backup target pool is triggered. Can only be set if backup-pool is set. Valid values are between 0 to 1.
instances list A list of instance resources serving this pool.
health-checks list A list of legacy http health checks monitoring this pool. Maximum allowed items are 1.
name The name of the target pool. Must be a string 1-63 characters long and the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. Valid values satisfy the regex: [[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?]. (Required)
session-affinity Session affinity option. Defaults to NONE. Valid values are NONE, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO.
region Region where the target pool resides. (Required)


Attribute Description
self-link Server-defined URL for the resource.