
Creates a route.


google::compute-route route-example
    name: "route-example"
    description: "route-example-description"
    network: $(google::compute-network network-example-route)
    next-hop-ip: ""
    dest-range: ""


Attribute Description
name The name of the route. (Required)
description The description of the route.
dest-range The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to. (Required)
network The network to associate this route with. (Required)
priority The priority of the route. Defaults to 1000. Valid values are between 0 to 65535.
tags set A list of instance tags that this route will match to.
next-hop-gateway The fully qualified url of a gateway that handles matching routed packets. Currently only internet gateway is supported.
next-hop-vpn-tunnel The fully qualified url of a vpn tunnel that handles matching routed packets.
next-hop-ip The network ip address of an instance that handles matching routed packets.


Attribute Description
id The Id of the route.
self-link The fully qualified url of the route.