
Creates a vpc connection notification for an endpoint or an endpoint service.


aws::vpc-connection-notification connection-notification-example
    vpc-endpoint: $(aws::vpc-endpoint endpoint-example-interface)
    topic: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:242040583208:beam-instance-state"
    connection-events: [


Attribute Description
endpoint-service The Endpoint Service. Either Endpoint or Endpoint Service is required. Cannot be set if endpoint is set.
endpoint The Endpoint. Either Endpoint or Endpoint Service is required. Cannot be set if endpoint-service is set.
topic The SNS topic. (Required)
connection-events set The events this notification is subscribing to. Defaults to all values. Valid values are Accept, Connect and Delete.


Attribute Description
id The ID of the Connection Notification.
state The state of the Connection Notification.
type The notification type of the Connection Notification.