
Creates a EC2 Capacity Reservation.


aws::ec2-capacity-reservation capacity-reservation-example
    availability-zone: "us-west-2a"
    ebs-optimized: false
    end-date-type: "unlimited"
    ephemeral-storage: false
    instance-count: 2
    instance-match-criteria: "targeted"
    instance-platform: "Linux/UNIX"
    instance-type: "t2.micro"
    tenancy: "default"


Attribute Description
availability-zone The availability zone in which to create the Capacity Reservation. (Required)
ebs-optimized When set to true, the Capacity Reservation supports EBS-optimized instances. (Required)
end-date The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation expires. Required if end-date-type set to limited.
end-date-type Indicates the way in which the Capacity Reservation ends. Valid values are unlimited or limited. (Required)
ephemeral-storage When set to true, the Capacity Reservation supports instances with temporary, block-level storage. (Required)
instance-match-criteria Indicates the type of instance launches that the Capacity Reservation accepts. Valid values are open or targeted. (Required)
instance-platform The type of operating system for which to reserve capacity. (Required)
instance-type The instance type for which to reserve capacity. (Required)
tenancy Indicates the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation. Valid values are default or dedicated. (Required)
instance-count The number of Instances for which to reserve capacity. (Required)


Attribute Description
id The ID of the capacity reservation.
available-instance-count The count of available instances.
create-date The Capacity Reservation creation date.