
Query instance.


ami: $(external-query aws::ami { name: 'ami-example'})


Attribute Description
architecture The Image architecture. Valid values are i386 or x86_64 or arm64.
block-device-mapping-delete-on-termination A Boolean value that indicates whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.
block-device-mapping-device-name The device name specified in the block device mapping.
block-device-mapping-snapshot-id The ID of the snapshot used for the EBS volume.
block-device-mapping-volume-size The volume size of the EBS volume, in GiB.
block-device-mapping-volume-type The volume type of the EBS volume. Valid values are gp2 or gp3 or io1 or st1 or sc1 or standard.
block-device-mapping-encrypted A Boolean that indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted.
description The description of the Image.
ena-support A Boolean that indicates whether enhanced networking with ENA is enabled.
hypervisor The hypervisor type. Valid values are ovm or xen.
image-id The ID of the Image.
image-type The Image type. Valid values are machine or kernel or ramdisk.
is-public A Boolean that indicates whether the Image is public.
kernel-id The kernel ID.
manifest-location The location of the Image manifest.
name The name of the AMI.
owner-alias String value from an Amazon-maintained list. Valid values are amazon or aws-marketplace or microsoft.
owner-id The AWS account ID of the Image owner.
platform The platform. To only list Windows-based AMIs, use windows.
product-code The product code.
product-code-type The type of the product code. Valid values are devpay or marketplace.
ramdisk-id The RAM disk ID.
root-device-name The device name of the root device volume.
root-device-type The type of the root device volume. Valid values are ebs or instance-store.
state The state of the Image. Valid values are available or pending or failed.
state-reason-code The reason code for the state change.
state-reason-message The message for the state change.
sriov-net-support A value of simple indicates that enhanced networking with the Intel 82599 VF interface is enabled.
tag map The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource.
tag-key The key of a tag assigned to the resource. Use this filter to find all resources that have a tag with a specific key, regardless of the tag value.
virtualization-type The virtualization type. Valid values are paravirtual or hvm.