
Creates an Application Gateway.

Azure Application Gateways are managed using a combination of resource configuration and commands.

Create an Azure Application Gateway using the azure::application-gateway resource. After the Application Gateway is created use the gyro azure application-gateway command to manage certificates within the application gateway. See documentation below on how to create, add, or remove a certificate from an application gateway.


azure::application-gateway application-gateway-example
    name: "application-gateway-example"
    resource-group: $(azure::resource-group resource-group-example-AG)
    network: $(azure::network network-example-AG)
    subnet: "subnet1"
    public-ip-address: $(azure::public-ip-address public-ip-address-example-AG)
    sku-tier: "STANDARD"
    sku-size: "STANDARD_SMALL"
    instance-count: 1
    enable-http2: true
    tags: {
        Name: "application-gateway-example"

        name: "request-routing-rule-example"
        listener: "listener-example"
        backend: "backend-example"
        backend-http-configuration: "backend-http-configuration-example"

        name: "request-routing-rule-2-example"
        listener: "listener-example-2"
        redirect-configuration: "redirect-configuration-example"

        name: "redirect-configuration-example"
        type: "Temporary"
        target-listener: "listener-example-3"
        include-query-string: true
        include-path: true

        name: "listener-example"
        port: 81

        name: "listener-example-2"
        port: 82

        name: "listener-example-3"
        port: 83

        name: "backend-example"
        ip-addresses: [

        name: "backend-http-configuration-example"
        port: 8080
        cookie-name: "something"
        enable-affinity-cookie: false
        probe: "probe-example"
        connection-draining-timeout: 30
        host-header: "something"
        host-header-from-backend: false
        backend-path: "something"

        name: "probe-example"
        host-name: ""
        path: "/path"
        interval: 40
        timeout: 40
        unhealthy-threshold: 4
        https-protocol: false
        http-response-codes: [
        http-response-body-match: "body"


Certificate Commands

The following set of commands allow you to manage certificates in an application gateway. Before using these commands you must have already created an azure::application-gateway. The application gateway must be managed by Gyro. Ensure a proper access policy is added to the key vault for the service principal you are using.

Add Certificate

Adds a certificate to an application gateway using your certificate file (.pfx).

gyro azure application-gateway add-certificate <application-gateway-name> <cert-name> <path> --password <password>
  • application-gateway-name - The name of the application gateway resource defined in your config where you want to create your certificate.
  • cert-name - The name of the certificate that you want to create when you import the certificate file.
  • cert-path - The path pointing to the certificate file to be uploaded. Only .pfx files are supported.
  • password - An optional password if the certificate file was encrypted with one.

Import Certificate

Imports a certificate to an application gateway from your vault. For the import to work make sure the vault is in the soft delete phase and give appropriate access policy to a managed identity to the vault that you have also added to the application gateway.

gyro azure application-gateway import-certificate <application-gateway-name> <cert-name> <path> --password <password>
  • application-gateway-name - The name of the application gateway resource defined in your config where you want to import your certificate.
  • cert-name - The name of the certificate that you want to create when you import the certificate.
  • vault-name - The name of the key-vault resource defined in your config from which you want to import the certificate from.
  • vault-cert-name - The name of the certificate in the vault that you want to import.

Remove Certificate

Remove a certificate from the application gateway.

gyro azure application-gateway remove-certificate <application-gateway-name> <cert-name>
  • application-gateway-name - The name of the application gateway resource defined in your config from which to remove the certificate.
  • cert-name - The name of the certificate that you want to remove.

List Certificate

List certificates of an application gateway.

gyro azure vault list-certificate <application-gateway-name>
  • application-gateway-name - The name of the vault resource defined in your config that you want to list certificates from.


Attribute Description
resource-group The resource group under which the Application Gateway would reside. (Required)
network The Network which would be associated with the Application Gateway. (Required)
public-ip-address The Public IP Address associated with the Application Gateway. (Required)
subnet One of the subnet name from the assigned virtual network for the Application Gateway. (Required)
name Name of the Application Gateway. (Required)
request-routing-rule set subresource

Request routing rule for the Application Gateway. (Required)

Name of the rule. (Required)
Name of the listener to associated with the rule. (Required)
Name of the backend to be associated with the rule. Required if redirection not present.
Name of the backend http configuration to be associated with the rule. Required if redirection not present.
Name of the redirect configuration to be associated with the rule. Required if backend not present.
listener set subresource

Listener for the Application Gateway. (Required)

Name of the listener. (Required)
Port for the Listener to listen to. (Required)
Enable private frontend for the Listener. Defaults to false.
ssl-certificate subresource

Ssl configuration for the listener.

The secret id of a certificate in key vault to attach to the listener. If this has been to attached to any other listener of this application gateway before, only use the certificate-name field.
The name of the certificate to attach to the listener. (Required)
backend set subresource

Backend for the Application Gateway. Required if no redirect configuration present.

Name of the backend. (Required)
ip-addresses set
List of ip addresses. Required if no fqdns are present.
fqdns set
List of fqdns. Required if no ip addresses are present.
backend-http-configuration set subresource

Backend http configuration for the Application Gateway. Required if no redirect configuration present.

Name of the Backend Http Configuration. (Required)
Port for the Backend Http Configuration. (Required)
Cookie name for the Backend Http Configuration.
Enable cookie based affinity for the Backend Http Configuration. Defaults to false.
Connection draining timeout for the Backend Http Configuration. defaults to 0.
Name of a probe to be associated with the Backend Http Configuration.
Override hostname for the Backend Http Configuration.
Get host header from the backend for the Backend Http Configuration. Defaults to false.
Override backend path for the Backend Http Configuration.
redirect-configuration set subresource

Redirect configuration for the Application Gateway. Required if no backend present.

Name of the redirect configuration. (Required)
Type of the redirect configuration. Valid values are Permanent or Found or SeeOther or Temporary Valid values are Permanent, Found, SeeOther or Temporary. (Required)
Name of the target listener to be associated with this redirect configuration. Required if target url not present.
Target url to be associated with this redirect configuration. Required if target listener not present.
Include query string or not. Defaults to false.
Include path or not. Defaults to false.
probe set subresource

Probe for the Application Gateway.

Name of the Probe. (Required)
Host name associated with this Probe. (Required)
Path associated with this Probe. (Required)
Interval for the Probe. Defaults to 30 sec.
Timeout for the Probe. Defaults to 30 sec.
Threshold for unhealthy instances before it triggers the Probe. Defaults to 3.
Enable https protocol for the Probe. Defaults to false.
http-response-codes set
List of https response codes for the Probe.
String to match with the request body for the Probe.
sku-size The SKU for the Application Gateway. Valid values are STANDARD_SMALL, STANDARD_MEDIUM, STANDARD_LARGE, WAF_MEDIUM, WAF_LARGE, STANDARD_V2 or WAF_V2. (Required)
sku-tier The SKU for the Application Gateway. Valid values are STANDARD, STANDARD_V2, WAF or WAF_V2. (Required)
instance-count Number of instances to scale for the Application Gateway. (Required)
tags map Tags for the Application Gateway.
enable-http2 Enable http2 for the Application Gateway. Defaults to false.
private-front-end Private front end for the Application Gateway. Defaults to false.
availability-zones set Availability Zones this Application Gateway should be deployed to redundancy. Valid values are 1, 2 and 3.
managed-service-identity subresource

The managed service identity configuration for the application gateway.

user-assigned-identity list
The identity to be associated with the application gateway. Maximum allowed items are 1. (Required)


Attribute Description
id The ID of the application gateway.