
Creates a role assignment.


azure::role-assignment role-assignment-example
    principal-id: "ae4d20c4-31ce-42b9-8418-2dcdc8ba1f68"
    scope: $(azure::resource-group resource-group-example-role).id
    role: "Reader"


Attribute Description
scope The scope for the role assignment. ID of the level (Subscription, Resource Group etc.). (Required)
role Role for the role assignment. See Built In Roles. (Required)
principal-id The principal ID of a identity or user or group on which the role would be assigned. One of ‘principal-id’ or ‘user’ or ‘group’ or ‘service-principal’ is required.
group The active directory group which the role would be assigned. One of ‘principal-id’ or ‘user’ or ‘group’ or ‘service-principal’ is required.
user The active directory group which the role would be assigned. One of ‘principal-id’ or ‘user’ or ‘group’ or ‘service-principal’ is required.


Attribute Description
id The ID of the role assignment.
name The name of the role assignment.