
Creates a route53 heath Check resource.


aws::route53-health-check health-check-example-calculated
    type: "CALCULATED"
    inverted: false
    disabled: false
    health-threshold: 0
    tags: {
        Name: "health-check-example-calculated"


Attribute Description
child-health-checks set A list of children health checks.
disabled Disable the health check. Defaults to false.
enable-sni Enable SNI on the health check.
failure-threshold Set the failure threshold upon which the health check changes its status. Defaults to 3.
domain-name The domain name to monitor for the health check.
health-threshold Health check threshold. Defaults to 0.
insufficient-data-health-status What status to give if there is insufficient data for the health check to analyze. Valid values are HEALTHY, UNHEALTHY or LAST_KNOWN_STATUS.
inverted Invert the health check. Defaults to false.
ip-address The ip to monitor for the health check.
measure-latency Enable latency measurement.
port The port for the domain name and/or ip address to monitor for the health check.
regions set Set the regions where the health check would be active. For types that support it, having an empty region would default to all regions being selected.
request-interval The request interval upon which the health check would work. Defaults to 30.
resource-path The resource path attached at the end of domain name and/or ip address to monitor for the health check.
search-string The search string if type HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTPS_STR_MATCH is selected.
type The type of health check being created. Valid values are HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, HTTPS_STR_MATCH, TCP, CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC. (Required)
alarm-name The alarm name to attach with the health check if type CLOUDWATCH_METRIC selected.
alarm-region The alarm region to attach with the health check if type CLOUDWATCH_METRIC selected.


Attribute Description
id The ID of the health check.