
Create a db event subscription.


aws::db-event-subscription db-event-subscription-example
    name: "db-event-subscription-example"
    sns-topic: $(aws::sns-topic sns-topic-example)
    enabled: true
    source-type: "db-instance"
    event-categories: ["availability", "deletion"]
    tags: {
        Name: "db-event-subscription-example"


Attribute Description
tags map A list of tags.
enabled Enable or disable the subscription. Default to true.
event-categories list A list of event categories for a SourceType to subscribe to. See Events topic in the Amazon RDS User Guide or by using the DescribeEventCategories action.
sns-topic The subscribed SNS topic. (Required)
source-ids list The list of identifiers of the event sources. If omitted, then all sources are included in the response.
source-type The type of source that is generating the events. If omitted, all events are returned. Valid values are db-instance, db-cluster, db-parameter-group, db-security-group, db-snapshot or db-cluster-snapshot.
name The name of the subscription. (Required)


Attribute Description
arn The ARN of the RDS resource.