
Create a Aurora cluster.


aws::db-cluster db-cluster-example
    identifier: "aurora-mysql-cluster"
    engine: "aurora-mysql"
    availability-zones: ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b", "us-east-2c"]
    db-name: "clusterexample"
    master-username: "user"
    master-user-password: "password"
    backup-retention-period: 5
    preferred-backup-window: "07:00-09:00"
    delete-automated-backups: true
    skip-final-snapshot: true
    tags: {
        Name: "aurora-mysql-cluster1"
aws::db-cluster db-cluster-serverless-example
    identifier: "aurora-serverless-cluster"
    engine: "aurora"
    engine-mode: "serverless"

        auto-pause: true
        max-capacity: 128
        min-capacity: 2
        seconds-until-auto-pause: 300

    availability-zones: ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b", "us-east-2c"]
    db-name: "clusterexample"
    master-username: "user"
    master-user-password: "password"
    backup-retention-period: 5
    preferred-backup-window: "07:00-09:00"
    delete-automated-backups: true
    skip-final-snapshot: true
    tags: {
        Name: "aurora-serverless-cluster"


Attribute Description
tags map A list of tags.
apply-immediately Apply modifications in this request and any pending modifications asynchronously as soon as possible, regardless of the preferred-maintenance-window. Default is false.
availability-zones list A list of availability zones that instances in the DB cluster can be created in.
back-track-window The target backtrack window specified in seconds. Must be a number from 0 to 259,200 (72 hours) with 0 to disable backtracking.
backup-retention-period The number of days to retain backups. Must be a value from 1 to 35.
character-set-name The CharacterSet name for the DB cluster.
identifier The unique name of the DB Cluster. (Required)
db-name The database name when creating the DB cluster. If omitted, no database will be created.
db-cluster-parameter-group The DB cluster parameter group to associate with. If omitted, default.aurora5.6 is used.
db-subnet-group A DB subnet group to use for this DB cluster.
deletion-protection Enable deletion protection on the DB cluster. The default is false.
enable-cloudwatch-logs-exports list The list of log types to export to CloudWatch Logs. The values in the list depend on the DB engine being used. See Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
enable-iam-database-authentication Enable mapping IAM accounts to database accounts. The default is false.
engine The name of the database engine. Valid values are aurora, aurora-mysql or aurora-postgresql. (Required)
engine-mode The DB engine mode of the DB cluster. Valid values are provisioned, serverless, parallelquery or global.
engine-version The version number of the database engine to use.
final-db-snapshot-identifier The name of the final snap shot when this DB cluster is deleted.
global-cluster The global cluster that becomes the primary cluster in the new global database cluster.
kms-key The AWS KMS key to encrypt the DB cluster.
master-user-password The password for the master database user.
master-username The name of the master user for the DB cluster.
option-group The name of the option group to associate with.
port The port number on which the instances in the DB cluster accept connections. If omitted, default to aurora: 3306 or aurora-postgresql: 5432.
preferred-backup-window The preferred backup window when automated backups are enabled. Must be provided in UTC using the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi (i.e. 01:00-02:00).
preferred-maintenance-window The preferred system maintenance window. Must be provided in UTC using the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi` (i.e. Mon:01:00-Mon:02:00).
pre-signed-url A URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request when performing cross-region replication from an encrypted DB cluster. Only applicable when replication-source-identifier is set and the replication source is encrypted.
replication-source-identifier The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if this DB cluster is created as a Read Replica.
snapshot-identifier The identifier of the snapshot. Cannot be set if s3-import is set.
s3-import The s3 import to restore the database from. Cannot be set if snapshot-identifier is set.
scaling-configuration subresource The scaling properties of the DB cluster. Only applicable for DB clusters in serverless DB engine mode.
skip-final-snapshot Skip the final DB snapshot when this DB cluster is deleted. The default is false.
storage-encrypted Enable DB cluster encryption. The default is false.
vpc-security-groups list A list of Amazon VPC security groups to associate with.


Attribute Description
arn The ARN of the RDS resource.
endpoint-address DNS hostname to access the primary instance of the cluster.
reader-endpoint-address DNS hostname to access the readers of the cluster.