Create a Aurora cluster.
aws::db-cluster db-cluster-example
identifier: "aurora-mysql-cluster"
engine: "aurora-mysql"
availability-zones: ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b", "us-east-2c"]
db-name: "clusterexample"
master-username: "user"
master-user-password: "password"
backup-retention-period: 5
preferred-backup-window: "07:00-09:00"
delete-automated-backups: true
skip-final-snapshot: true
tags: {
Name: "aurora-mysql-cluster1"
aws::db-cluster db-cluster-serverless-example
identifier: "aurora-serverless-cluster"
engine: "aurora"
engine-mode: "serverless"
auto-pause: true
max-capacity: 128
min-capacity: 2
seconds-until-auto-pause: 300
availability-zones: ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b", "us-east-2c"]
db-name: "clusterexample"
master-username: "user"
master-user-password: "password"
backup-retention-period: 5
preferred-backup-window: "07:00-09:00"
delete-automated-backups: true
skip-final-snapshot: true
tags: {
Name: "aurora-serverless-cluster"
Attribute | Description |
tags map | A list of tags. |
apply-immediately | Apply modifications in this request and any pending modifications asynchronously as soon as possible, regardless of the preferred-maintenance-window. Default is false. |
availability-zones list | A list of availability zones that instances in the DB cluster can be created in. |
back-track-window | The target backtrack window specified in seconds. Must be a number from 0 to 259,200 (72 hours) with 0 to disable backtracking. |
backup-retention-period | The number of days to retain backups. Must be a value from 1 to 35 . |
character-set-name | The CharacterSet name for the DB cluster. |
identifier | The unique name of the DB Cluster. (Required) |
db-name | The database name when creating the DB cluster. If omitted, no database will be created. |
db-cluster-parameter-group | The DB cluster parameter group to associate with. If omitted, default.aurora5.6 is used. |
db-subnet-group | A DB subnet group to use for this DB cluster. |
deletion-protection | Enable deletion protection on the DB cluster. The default is false. |
enable-cloudwatch-logs-exports list | The list of log types to export to CloudWatch Logs. The values in the list depend on the DB engine being used. See Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. |
enable-iam-database-authentication | Enable mapping IAM accounts to database accounts. The default is false. |
engine | The name of the database engine. Valid values are mysql , postgres , aurora-mysql or aurora-postgresql . (Required) |
engine-mode | The DB engine mode of the DB cluster. Valid values are provisioned , serverless , parallelquery or global . |
engine-version | The version number of the database engine to use. |
final-db-snapshot-identifier | The name of the final snap shot when this DB cluster is deleted. |
global-cluster | The global cluster that becomes the primary cluster in the new global database cluster. |
kms-key | The AWS KMS key to encrypt the DB cluster. |
master-user-password | The password for the master database user. |
master-username | The name of the master user for the DB cluster. (Required) |
option-group | The name of the option group to associate with. |
port | The port number on which the instances in the DB cluster accept connections. If omitted, default to aurora: 3306 or aurora-postgresql: 5432 . |
preferred-backup-window | The preferred backup window when automated backups are enabled. Must be provided in UTC using the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi (i.e. 01:00-02:00 ). |
preferred-maintenance-window | The preferred system maintenance window. Must be provided in UTC using the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi` (i.e. Mon:01:00-Mon:02:00 ). |
pre-signed-url | A URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request when performing cross-region replication from an encrypted DB cluster. Only applicable when replication-source-identifier is set and the replication source is encrypted. |
replication-source-identifier | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if this DB cluster is created as a Read Replica. |
snapshot-identifier | The identifier of the snapshot. Cannot be set if any of s3-import or source-db-cluster is set. |
s3-import | The s3 import to restore the database from. Cannot be set if any of snapshot-identifier or source-db-cluster is set. |
scaling-configuration subresource | The scaling properties of the DB cluster. Only applicable for DB clusters in serverless DB engine mode. |
skip-final-snapshot | Skip the final DB snapshot when this DB cluster is deleted. The default is false. |
storage-encrypted | Enable DB cluster encryption. The default is false. |
vpc-security-groups list | A list of Amazon VPC security groups to associate with. |
db-cluster-instance-class | The compute and memory capacity of each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. See DB instance classes. |
enable-global-write-forwarding | When set to true , enable this DB cluster to forward write operations to the primary cluster of a global cluster (Aurora global database). |
iops | The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. |
manage-master-user-password | When set to true , manage the master user password with Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager. |
master-user-secret-kms-key | The Amazon Web Services KMS key to encrypt a secret that is automatically generated and managed in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager. |
serverless-v2-scaling-configuration | The serverless scaling configuration. |
storage-type | The storage type to associate with the DB cluster. Valid values are gp3 , io1 , io2 , aurora or aurora-iopt1 . |
allocated-storage | The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate to each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only |
auto-minor-version-upgrade | When set to true , minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB cluster during the maintenance window. Defaults to true . |
copy-tags-to-snapshot | When set to true , copies all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. The defaults to false . |
enable-local-write-forwarding | When set to By default, write operations aren’t allowed on reader DB instances. |
source-db-cluster | The source DB cluster to restore from. Cannot be set if any of snapshot-identifier or s3-import is set. |
restore-to-time | The date and time to restore the DB cluster to. Cannot be set if use-latest-restorable-time is set. Can only be set if source-db-cluster is set. |
restore-type | The type of restore to perform. Valid values are copy-on-write or full-copy . Can only be set if source-db-cluster is set. |
use-latest-restorable-time | When set to true , restores the DB cluster to the latest restorable backup time. Defaults to false . Cannot be set if restore-to-time is set. Can only be set if source-db-cluster is set. |
Attribute | Description |
arn | The ARN of the RDS resource. |
endpoint-address | DNS hostname to access the primary instance of the cluster. |
reader-endpoint-address | DNS hostname to access the readers of the cluster. |
earliest-restorable-time | The earliest restorable time for the DB cluster. |
latest-restorable-time | The latest restorable time for the DB cluster. |