health-check subresource |
The HealthCheck subresource for this load balancer.
- healthy-threshold
- The number of health check successes required to move an instance to the ‘Healthy’ state.
- interval
- The interval, in seconds, between health checks of an instance
- target
- The instance that is being checked
- timeout
- The amount of time, in seconds, a lack of response means a failed health check
- unhealthy-threshold
- The number of health check failures required to move an instance to the ‘Unhealthy’ state.
instances set |
The instances to associate with this load balancer. |
listener set subresource |
The listeners to associate with this load balancer. (Required)
- instance-port
- The port on which the instance is listening.
- instance-protocol
- The protocol to use for routing traffic to instances. Valid values are
- load-balancer-port
- The port on which the load balancer is listening.
- protocol
- The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL. Valid values are
- ssl-certificate-id
- The Amazon Resource Name(ARN) of the server certificate.
- policy subresource
The policy configuration for the listener.
- type
- The type of the policy. Cannot be set if
predefined-policy is set. Can only be set if enabled-attributes is set.
- enabled-attributes set
- A set of enabled attributes for the policy. Cannot be set if
predefined-policy is set. Can only be set if type is set.
- predefined-policy
- The name of a predefined policy. Cannot be set if any of
type or enabled-attributes is set.
name |
The load balancer name. (Required) |
scheme |
The scheme of the load balancer. Defaults to internet-facing . Valid values are internet-facing or internal . |
security-groups set |
The security groups to associate with this load balancer. (Required) |
subnets set |
Subnet IDs to associate with this load balancer. (Required) |
tags map |
List of tags associated with the load balancer. |
attribute subresource |
The attributes for the Load Balancer.
- access-log subresource
The Access Log setting for the Load Balancer.
- emit-interval
- The interval for publishing the access logs. Required if enabled set to
true .
- enabled
- If set to
true , the load balancer captures detailed information of all requests and delivers the information to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. Defaults to false .
- bucket
- The Amazon S3 bucket where the access logs are stored. Required if enabled set to
true .
- bucket-prefix
- The folder path in the bucket where to keep the logs.
- connection-draining subresource
Connection Draining setting for Load Balancer.
- enabled
- If set to
true , the load balancer allows existing requests to complete before the load balancer shifts traffic away from a deregistered or unhealthy instance. Defaults to false .
- timeout
- The maximum time, in seconds, to keep the existing connections open before deregistering the instances. Defaults to
300 .
- cross-zone-load-balancing subresource
Cross Zone Load Balancing setting for the Load Balancer.
- enabled
- If enabled, the load balancer routes the request traffic evenly across all instances regardless of the Availability Zones. Defaults to false.
- connection-settings subresource
The connection setting for the Load balancer.
- idle-timeout
- The amount in seconds the load balancer allows the connections to remain idle (no data is sent over the connection) for the specified duration. Defaults to
600 .