name |
The name of the Lambda Function. (Required) |
description |
The description of the Lambda Function. |
s3-bucket |
The S3 bucket name where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set. |
s3-key |
The S3 object key where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set. |
s3-object-version |
The S3 object version where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set. |
content-zip-path |
The zip file location where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if fields ‘s3-bucket’, ‘s3-key’ and ‘s3-object-version’ not set. |
role |
The IAM Role to be associated with this Lambda Function. (Required) |
runtime |
The runtime language for this Lambda Function. See Supported Runtimes for Lambda. (Required) |
handler |
The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to execute the Lambda Function. (Required) |
timeout |
The amount of time that Lambda allows a Lambda Function to run before stopping it. Defaults to 3 . Valid values are between 3 to 900 . |
memory-size |
The amount of memory that the Lambda Function has access to. Defaults to 128 . |
tracking-config |
The tracking mode of the Lambda Function. Defaults to PassThrough . Valid values are PassThrough or Active Valid values are PassThrough or Active . |
dead-letter-config-arn |
The arn of SQS queue or an SNS topic to be associated with the Lambda Function. |
kms-key |
The KMS key to be associated with the Lambda Function. |
environment map |
A map of key value pair acting as variables accessible from the code of with the Lambda Function. |
tags map |
The set of tags to be associated with the Lambda Function. |
security-groups set |
The set of security group be associated with the Lambda Function. |
subnets set |
The set of subnet be associated with the Lambda Function. |
lambda-layers set |
The set of version arns of Lambda Layers to be associated with the Lambda Function. |
reserved-concurrent-executions |
The number of simultaneous executions to reserve for the Lambda Function. |
version-map map |
A Map of versions and corresponding arns. |
publish |
A flag that states to publish the code or not. |