
Creates a lambda function.


aws::lambda-function lambda-function-example
    name: "testFunction"
    handler: "index.handler"
    runtime: "nodejs20.x"
    role: "arn:aws:iam::242040583208:role/service-role/testFunctionRole"
    content-zip-path: ""

    tags: {
        Name: "lambda-function-example"

    lambda-layers: [
        $(aws::lambda-layer lambda-layer-for-function-example-1)


Attribute Description
name The name of the Lambda Function. (Required)
description The description of the Lambda Function.
s3-bucket The S3 bucket name where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set.
s3-key The S3 object key where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set.
s3-object-version The S3 object version where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if field ‘content-zip-path’ not set.
content-zip-path The zip file location where the Lambda Function code resides. Required if fields ‘s3-bucket’, ‘s3-key’ and ‘s3-object-version’ not set.
role The IAM Role to be associated with this Lambda Function. (Required)
runtime The runtime language for this Lambda Function. See Supported Runtimes for Lambda. (Required)
handler The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to execute the Lambda Function. (Required)
timeout The amount of time that Lambda allows a Lambda Function to run before stopping it. Defaults to 3. Valid values are between 3 to 900.
memory-size The amount of memory that the Lambda Function has access to. Defaults to 128.
tracking-config The tracking mode of the Lambda Function. Defaults to PassThrough. Valid values are PassThrough or Active Valid values are PassThrough or Active.
dead-letter-config-arn The arn of SQS queue or an SNS topic to be associated with the Lambda Function.
kms-key The KMS key to be associated with the Lambda Function.
environment map A map of key value pair acting as variables accessible from the code of with the Lambda Function.
tags map The set of tags to be associated with the Lambda Function.
security-groups set The set of security group be associated with the Lambda Function.
subnets set The set of subnet be associated with the Lambda Function.
lambda-layers set The set of version arns of Lambda Layers to be associated with the Lambda Function.
reserved-concurrent-executions The number of simultaneous executions to reserve for the Lambda Function.
version-map map A Map of versions and corresponding arns.
publish A flag that states to publish the code or not.
permission set subresource

The set of permissions to be associated with the Lambda Function.

The name of the Lambda function.
A unique statement identifier. (Required)
The action that the principal can perform.
The principal who is getting this permission.
The ARN of the source that is invoking the function.
The AWS account ID of the source that is invoking the function.
The token that must be present in the request.
The version or alias of the function.
The revision ID of the function.
The organization ID of the principal.
The type of authentication to use. Valid values are NONE or AWS_IAM.


Attribute Description
arn The arn for the lambda Lambda Function resource including the version.
arn-no-version The arn for the lambda Lambda Function resource without the version.
revision-id The revision ID for the Lambda Function.
master-arn The arn for the master function of the Lambda Function.
last-modified The date and time that the Lambda Function was last updated.
version The version of the Lambda Function.