
Create an ECS capacity provider.


aws::ecs-capacity-provider capacity-provider-ecs-example
    name: "capacity-provider-ecs-example"

        auto-scaling-group: $(aws::autoscaling-group auto-scaling-group-ecs-capacity-provider-example)

            status: enabled
            minimum-scaling-step-size: 1
            maximum-scaling-step-size: 50
            target-capacity: 75

        managed-termination-protection: "ENABLED"

    tags: {
        'Name': 'capacity-provider-ecs-example'



Attribute Description
name The name of the capacity provider. The name cannot be prefixed with aws, ecs, or fargate, regardless of character case. Must be a string 1 to 255 characters long containing letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens. Valid values satisfy the regex: [[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,255}]. (Required)
auto-scaling-group-provider subresource

The details of the Auto Scaling group for the capacity provider. (Required)

The Auto Scaling group for the capacity provider. (Required)
managed-scaling subresource

The managed scaling settings for the Auto Scaling group capacity provider.

Whether or not to enable managed scaling for the capacity provider. Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED.
The target capacity value for the capacity provider. A value of 100 will result in the Amazon EC2 instances in your Auto Scaling group being completely utilized. Valid values are between 1 to 100.

The minimum number of container instances that Amazon ECS will scale in or scale out at one time.

Defaults to 1.


The maximum number of container instances that Amazon ECS will scale in or scale out at one time.

Defaults to 10000.


The managed termination protection setting to use for the Auto Scaling group capacity provider.

To use managed-termination-protection, managed-scaling must have its status set to ENABLED, and the auto-scaling-group must have new-instances-protected-from-scale-in set to true. Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED.

tags map

The metadata applied to the capacity provider. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value.

Up to 50 tags per resource are allowed. The maximum character length is 128 for keys and 256 for values. Tags may not be prefixed with aws:, regardless of character case.


Attribute Description
arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the capacity provider.