
Query transit gateways.


transit-gateway: $(external-query aws::transit-gateway { tag: { Name: "example-transit-gateway" }})


Attribute Description
owner-id The ID of the AWS account that owns the transit gateway.
state The state of the attachment. Valid values are available, deleted, deleting, failed, modifying, pendingAcceptance, pending, rollingBack, rejected or rejecting.
transit-gateway-id The ID of the transit gateway.
propagation-default-route-table-id The ID of the default propagation route table.
amazon-side-asn The private ASN for the Amazon side of a BGP session.
association-default-route-table-id The ID of the default association route table.
auto-accept-shared-attachments Whether automatic acceptance of attachment requests is enabled. Valid values are enable or disable.
default-route-table-association Whether resource attachments are automatically associated with the default association route table. Valid values are enable or disable.
default-route-table-propagation Whether resource attachments automatically propagate routes to the default propagation route table. Valid values are enable or disable.
dns-support Whether DNS support is enabled. Valid values are enable or disable.
vpn-ecmp-support Whether Equal Cost Multipath Protocol support is enabled. Valid values are enable or disable.