
Creates an EBS Snapshot lifecycle policy.


aws::dlm-lifecycle-policy lifecycle-policy-example
    description: "ebs-snapshot-lifecycle-policy-example"
    execution-role: "arn:aws:iam::242040583208:role/aws-service-role/"
    schedule-name: "ebs-snapshot-lifecycle-policy-example-schedule"
    retain-rule-count: 1000
    rule-time: "09:00"
    rule-interval: 6
    tags-to-add: {
        addTag: "tag1-val"
    target-tags: {
        targetTag: "tag1-val"


Attribute Description
description The description of the snapshot policy. (Required)
execution-role The permission role for the snapshot policy. (Required)
resource-type The resource type of the snapshot policy. Defaults to VOLUME. Valid values are VOLUME or INSTANCE.
target-tags map The target tags for the snapshot policy. (Required)
state The state of the snapshot policy. Defaults to ENABLED Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED.
copy-tags Copy tags to volumes created using this snapshot policy. Defaults to false
schedule-name The name of the schedule for the snapshot policy. (Required)
rule-interval The name of the schedule for the snapshot policy. Valid values are 2 or``3`` or``4`` or``6`` or``8`` or 12 or 24 Valid values are 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.0 or ``24.0`. (Required)
rule-interval-unit The rule interval for the snapshot policy. Defaults to HOURS Currently the only supported value is HOURS.
rule-time The time format of the interval for the snapshot policy. Defaults to hh:mm Currently the only supported value is hh:mm.
retain-rule-count The number of volumes to retain for the snapshot policy. Valid values are between 1 to 1000. (Required)
tags-to-add map The list of tags to add to the volumes for the snapshot policy. (Required)


Attribute Description
id The policy id.
date-created The creation date of the policy.
date-modified The last update date of the policy.