

aws::cognito-user-pool-client client
    client-name: "clientname"
    user-pool: $(aws::cognito-user-pool cognito)


Attribute Description
allowed-o-auth-flows-client Sets to true if client is allowed to follow OAuth protocol when interacting with Cognito user pools.
allowed-o-auth-flows list Sets the OAuth flows. Valid values are code and token.
callback-urls list The list of allowed redirect URLs for the identity providers.
default-redirect-uri The default redirect URI.
explicit-auth-flows list The explicit authentication flows.
allowed-o-auth-scopes list The list of allowed OAuth scopes.
generate-secret Specified whether you want to generate a secret for the client.
logout-urls list The list of logout URLs for the identity providers.
name The name of the client. (Required)
read-attributes list The read attributes.
refresh-token-validity The time limit after which the refresh token cannot be used because it is no longer valid.
supported-identity-providers list The list of provider names for support identity providers.
user-pool The user pool resource where the client will be created.
write-attributes list The user pool attributes the app client can write to.


Attribute Description
id The id of the user pool client.