
Creates a Launch Configuration from config or an existing Instance Id.


aws::launch-configuration launch-configuration
    name: "launch-configuration-gyro-1"
    ami: "ami-01e24be29428c15b2"
    instance-type: "t2.micro"
    key: "key-example"
    security-groups: [
        $(aws::security-group security-group-launch-configuration-example-1),
        $(aws::security-group security-group-launch-configuration-example-2)
    ebs-optimized: false
    enable-monitoring: true
    associate-public-ip: true
aws::launch-configuration launch-configuration
    name: "launch-configuration-gyro-1"
    instance: $(aws:instance instance)
    key: "instance-static"
    security-groups: [
        $(aws::security-group security-group-launch-configuration-example-1),
        $(aws::security-group security-group-launch-configuration-example-2)
    ebs-optimized: false
    enable-monitoring: true
    associate-public-ip: true


Attribute Description
name The name of the launch configuration. (Required)
instance The launched instance that would be used as a skeleton to create the launch configuration. Required if AMI Name/ AMI ID not provided.
ami The AMI that would be used to launch the instance. Required if Instance not provided. See Finding an AMI.
classic-link-vpc-id The ID of the ClassicLink-enabled VPC.
classic-link-vpc-security-groups list The IDs of the security groups for the specified ClassicLink-enabled VPC.
ebs-optimized When set to true, EBS optimization for an instance is enabled. Defaults to false. See Amazon EBS–Optimized Instances.
instance-type The launch instance with the type of hardware you desire. See Instance Types.
kernel-id The ID of the kernel associated with the AMI.
key The launch instance with an EC2 Key Pair. This is a certificate required to access your instance. See Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.
enable-monitoring When set to true, monitoring for your instance is enabled. See Monitoring Your Instances.
placement-tenacy The tenancy of the instance of the launch configuration. Valid values are default or dedicated.
ramdisk-id The ID of the RAM disk to select for the launch configuration.
security-groups set The launch instance with the security groups specified. See Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Linux Instances.
spot-price The maximum hourly price for any Spot instance launched.
user-data The user data for your instance. See Instance Metadata and User Data.
associate-public-ip When set to true, set public IP for launched instances. See Creating Launch Configuration.
block-device-mapping set The block device mapping to initialize the instances with.
instance-profile The IAM instance profile to be linked with the instances being launched using this.