
Variables in Gyro are defined using the key: value syntax.


There are three levels of scoping: resource, file, and global.

Resource scoped variables are defined inside of a resource definition. In the example below image-id and instance-type are resource scoped variables. These variables can only be referenced from within the resource using the implicit $SELF variable.

aws::instance webserver
    image-id: "ami-0cd3dfa4e37921605"
    instance-type: $server-size

    tags: {
        Name: "webserver \($SELF.instance-type)"

File scoped variables are defined within a Gyro configuration file but not within a resource definition. In the example below project and server-size are file scoped variables.

project: "gyro"
server-size: "t2.micro"

aws::instance webserver
    image-id: "ami-0cd3dfa4e37921605"
    instance-type: $server-size

    tags: {
        Name: "webserver \($SELF.instance-type)"

Global scoped variables are defined in .gyro/init.gyro at the root of the Gyro project.

Scalar Types

Gyro has the following scalar types: string, number, and boolean.

String literals are defined as zero or more characters enclosed within single quotes ('my value').

String expressions are defined as zero or more characters enclosed within double quotes. String expressions differ from string literals in that reference expressions will be interpolated prior to using the value ("my value with $(key)").

Numbers can be integers or floats (10, 10.5, -10).

Booleans are defined as true or false.


Variables are referenced using the $name or $(name) syntax. Use $(name) to surround a variable name when used inside a string.

Keys must be a valid identifier, or string literal. Identifiers can be made up of letters, digits, _, or -. Spaces can be included in keys by quoting the key using single quotes (').

Compound Types

Gyro has two compound types: map, and list.

Maps are zero or more comma-separated key/value pairs inside curly brackets ({ key: 'value' }).

Lists are zero or more comma-separated values inside square brackets (['item1', 'item2']).


Maps can be referenced using dot notation with the key name:

tags: {
    Name: "Name"
    gyro-key: "value"

Name: $(tags).Name
Value: $(tags).gyro-key

Lists can be referenced using index notation with the position of the list element you’d like to retrieve:

values: ["value1", "value2", "value3"]

Value1: $(values).0
Value2: $(values).1
Value3: $(values).2