Documentation for providers is auto-generated using a special Java Doclet. This doclet reads specially formatted comments on the class and method implementations for each resource.
Each resource should have a class level comment describing what the resource is followed by at least one simple example showcasing using the resource, such as:
* Creates an Instance with the specified AMI, Subnet and Security group.
* Example
* -------
* .. code-block:: gyro
* aws::instance instance
* ami-name: "amzn-ami-hvm-2018.03.0.20181129-x86_64-gp2"
* shutdown-behavior: "stop"
* instance-type: "t2.micro"
* key-name: "instance-static"
* end
Each resource field getter should have a single line comment with a description of the field, possible values, side effect of the field, and whether the field is required or optional.
* The ID of an AMI that would be used to launch the instance. (Required)
public String getAmiId() {
return amiId;
Generating Documentation¶
Documentation is generated using the Gyro Doclet. To generate documentation using the Doclet add the following to
the providers build.gradle
file, then run gradle referenceDocs
task referenceDocs(type: Javadoc) {
title = null // Prevents -doctitle and -windowtitle from being passed to GyroDoclet
source = sourceSets.main.allJava
classpath = configurations.runtimeClasspath
options.doclet = "gyro.doclet.GyroDoclet"
options.docletpath = configurations.gyroDoclet.files.asType(List)